ID Published Titel PMID Jdownloadsid Categorie
2 The wrist hyperflexion and abduction of the thumb (WHAT) test 23340762 0 Pols en Hand
3 The diagnosis of meniscus injuries; some new clinical methods. 20284687 0 Knie
4 Physical examination of the knee: A review of the original test description 12690600 0 Knie
5 Meniscal lesions in the anterior cruciate insufficient knee: The accuracy of clinical evaluation. 15279338 0 Knie
6 Impingement lesions 6825348 0 Schouder
7 A new diagnostic test for carpal tunnel syndrome 1796937 0 Pols en Hand
8 The accuracy of physical diagnostic tests for assessing meniscal lesions of the knee: a meta-analysis 11711009 0 Knie
9 Diagnostic value of history taking and physical examination for assessing meniscal tears of the knee in general practice 18185035 0 Knie
10 Diagnostic value of five clinical tests in patellofemoral painsyndrome 15950517 0 Knie
11 Physical examination and patellofemoral painsyndrome 16505640 0 Knie
12 Fysische diagnostiek - de waarde van enkele gebruikelijke tests voor het aantonen van een voorste kruisband ruptuur: meta-analyse 0 0 Knie
13 Clinical diagnosis of an anterior cruciate ligament rupture: a meta-analysis 16715828 0 Knie
14 Therapeutic efficacy of corticosteroid injections in the acromioclavicular joint 9603070 0 Schouder
15 On the frozen shoulder 14905118 0 Schouder
16 The active compression test: a new and effective test for diagnosing labral tears and acromioclavicular joint abnormality 9784804 0 Schouder
17 Anterior release test. A new test for occult shoulder instability 9186207 0 Schouder
19 Shoulder pain in the overhand or throwing athlete. The relationship of anterior instability and rotator cuff impingement 2797861 0 Schouder
20 Recurrent transient subluxation of the shoulder 7240326 0 Schouder
21 Clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review 15162113 0 Pols en Hand
22 Assessing the accuracy of a combination of clinical tests for identifying carpal tunnel syndrome 19328695 0 Pols en Hand